Welcome to the IPA USA 2024 Conference, The Right to Play, RIGHT NOW! To ensure ease in registration, here are a few tricks.

Once you have purchased your ticket for the conference, you will be directed to a Registration Form. This form is not just a document; it’s a key part of our planning process, and your participation is highly valued. Please complete it to help us track attendees for each of the special events.

If you wish to enhance your conference experience by adding a T-shirt or the Saturday Evening Celebration, you can do so by visiting this page: https://ipausa2024right2playnow.sched.com/?iframe=no

To add the T-shirt or the Saturday Evening Celebration to your registration, click on the ’Reserve Tickets’ button and select the option/s you want to add on.

If you want to attend the Pre-Conference, please follow the link below to register.

PreConference Session – Wednesday, September 25 – 9:30-2:30 pm
Connecting Children with Nature: A Practical Workshop for Educators
Follow this link to register for the preconference——https://events.humanitix.com/connecting-children-workshop

Looking forward to seeing you in Greenville, SC

Deb, President, IPA USA

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Friday, September 27

8:30am EDT

Onsite Conference Registration-
Friday September 27, 2024 8:30am - 3:30pm EDT
Pick up your badge and conference goodies
Friday September 27, 2024 8:30am - 3:30pm EDT

9:15am EDT

Building Bridges: Creating Play Partnerships Between Home and School
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Teachers are often the people that families count on for information about their young children. Our session will focus on communicating the importance of play for young children to families. The information presented will provide strategies for innovative, yet easy-to-implement, at-home play experiences. Discussion will also include creative play partnership activities to build home-school relationships and sympathetic ways to meet resistance or lack of interest from families. A packet of information and activities will be available for participants as well.

Sharon Jackson

Consultant, Curating Play
Dr. Sharon R. Jackson is an early childhood advocate and seasoned professional with presentations for international, national, state and local conferences. Retired from over 20 years in a school district Early Education program, Dr. Jackson now consults with programs nationwide and... Read More →

Beverly Alford

"Beverly Alford, PhD is a staunch advocate for play. An Associate Professor of Early Childhood, her focus is on children, birth to seven years. She is fascinated by how children develop in play-based settings and the effects of standardized practices on children. Her background is... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Big Idea UPPER LEVEL

9:15am EDT

Grow Outdoors South Carolina- National Wildlife Federation Panel
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
A panel will explore Grow Outdoors South Carolina, a state-funded, 5-year collaboration between the SC Department of Social Services, the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, the National Wildlife Federation, the Natural Learning Initiative at North Carolina State University, and multiple early care and education partners. Their vision is that all children in the state spend time outdoors for health, happiness, and a greater appreciation of nature. Panelist will review the history, framework, strategies, and processes of the initiative.

Robin Moore

Professor of Landscape Architecture, NC State University
avatar for Rebecca Colbert, PhD, PLA

Rebecca Colbert, PhD, PLA

Senior Director of Design and Engagement, NWF - Early Childhood Health Outdoors
Rebecca Colbert is a licensed landscape architect with 20 years of experience and a doctorate in Design and Planning. She serves as the Senior Director of Design and Engagement for Early Childhood Health Outdoors at the National Wildlife Federation. Dr. Colbert previously served as... Read More →

Nilda Cosco

Director of Programs, Natural Learning Initiative Research Associate Professor, Co-founder Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design, NC State University
Nilda Cosco, PhD, is Director of Programs at NLI, Research Associate Professor in the Department ofLandscape Architecture, and former Director of the Center for Universal Design. She is responsible forthe conceptualization and management of NLI comprehensive projects, design programming... Read More →

Beverly Hunter

Beverly Hunter has worked in South Carolina state government for 40+ years and has been Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) director since 2006. She has led the creation of the statewide Program for Infant Toddler Care in partnership with the University of South Carolina College... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Library C 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

9:15am EDT

Journaling the Joy, Beauty and Wonder of Nature
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
"""Keeping creativity alive is keeping playfulness alive"" (Matthew Fox).This session will unleash the artist within as we take a virtual walk through nature. Inspired by Joan Vorderbruggen's book ""Wild Calm"" on Forest Bathing and the ephemeral art of Andy Goldsworthy, participants will create a simple blank art journal as a tool to connect with both mother nature and our inner nature.

The session will begin with a playful exploration of leaves, awakening the senses and opening possibilities for a journal cover design. A crayon resist technique will be demonstrated using tempera paint as one possibility. Participants will assemble the pages of the art journal and bind them with twigs and twine once the cover painting is dry. While waiting for the cover to dry, participants will title the pages in their art journals with topics inviting future opportunities to interact with nature. Selected topics include:
* Appreciate Uniqueness: Find two leaves that appear similar in size and color. Record or draw as many subtle differences between these two leaves as you can.
* Sketch Nature's Beauty: Take a walk outside. Select one beautiful object and sketch it.
* Ephemeral art: With a sense of curiosity and wonder, find and collect natural objects that have interesting textures, shapes and colors from a natural area near you. Have fun arranging these objects in a pleasing design. Take a photo or sketch of your creation, but leave your creation behind to naturally decompose. This is ephemeral art.

Participants will take away a handout listing additional art journaling topics to accompany their handcrafted art journals.

Rosanne Regan Hansel

Author/Consultant, 3D Childhood
With a deeply held belief that all children need three-dimensional, joyful, creative, play-based learning experiences, Rosanne Regan Hansel established 3DChildhood to provide professional development that focuses on best practices for early childhood educators who want to provide... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Discover It LOWER LEVEL

9:15am EDT

MIddle School Students Can't Get a Break
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Middle school students are often overlooked in the research when it comes to understanding the benefits of play for their cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development, research overlooks the need to study and understand middle schoolers need for recess during the school day. In this study, we conducted focus groups with middle schoolers to learn more about their experiences with recess. Results will highlight the importance of time, place and opportunity for young people to have a break in the day and socialize with friends, and how it impacts their social and mental health. Findings will elucidate the misunderstood perspectives of these young people about recess, and will highlight societal mischaracterizations of what these young people need in order to cope with school and life.
avatar for Heather Von Bank

Heather Von Bank

Associate Professor, Minnesota State Mankato Professor
Dr. Heather Von Bank is a Professor in the Department of Family Consumer Science at Minnesota State University-Mankato. She teaches courses in Child Development and Family Studies and also serves as the department chairperson. She has presented about and promoted how the “power... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

9:15am EDT

Mud Kitchen's & Creativity In Children
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Creativity and play go hand in hand - especially in childhood and this session will look at the creative side of messy play. We will look at how process based art thrives in a mud kitchen and ways adults can help support the creative elements of play while standing back. We will look at how all children are born creative and as they grow, their creativity level decline and ways we can stop this. We will discuss different types of creativity and how they are seen within play and look at our own creative play. Bailey the co-presenter (who is only 8 years old), will be providing first hand experience on how creativity and play have existed in her life and how she is able to influence others to creatively play as well.
avatar for Lindsay Dzielski

Lindsay Dzielski

Play Coordinator, COT Neighbors United
Lindsay is a play advocate from the Buffalo, NY area who has actively been bringing play back into childhood through Pop-Up Playgrounds and Recess Advocacy. She has a Bachelors of Science in Education, a Bachelors of Fine Arts and a Masters of Science in Creativity. Although not a... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Library B 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

9:15am EDT

Supporting Joyful Play in Many Languages
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Play is the essence of joy and learning for children. When children speak different languages, how can we be sure they experience that critical level of meaningful play in early childhood settings? This interactive session will engage participants in playful adult learning about making play inclusive and meaningful for all children in any language. We will share some research-based strategies and provide a comprehensive list of resources for further learning.
avatar for Karen Nemeth

Karen Nemeth

Author/Consultant, Language Castle LLC
Karen Nemeth, Ed.M., is an author, consultant, presenter and advocate who focuses on improving early education for children who are multilingual learners. She has published more than a dozen books along with many articles on this topic. She has worked with state and federal government... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Imagine It LOWER LEVEL

9:15am EDT

The Power of Play: Cultivating Resilience and Joy in ECE Classrooms and PD
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
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Paolo Lopez

Paola Lopez, a business management professional turned education leader, is the visionary founder and executive director of Kinderoo Children’s Academy and the Innovation Center of Ocala, both based in Florida. With over two decades of experience in early childhood education, Paola's... Read More →
avatar for Carly Bedard

Carly Bedard

Early childhood consultant, trainer, coach, and adjunct professor, Strive Early Learning and Biola University
"Carly Bedard, M.A.Ed. has over 25 years experience in the field of early childhood education. She began her journey in early childhood as a preschool teacher, and program director. Now as a trainer, coach and consultant she is committed to providing engaging, fun, and interactive... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

9:15am EDT

Undoing Overprotection
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
For the last 20 years as our society has been consumed in a culture of over-protecting children. To meet parent safety expectations and align with school accountability policies, school-age care programs reinforce this culture. We now know that many of these efforts have resulted in negative developmental consequences for kids. Our carefully cultivated “best practices” have inadvertently contributed to the worst outcomes for children. Youth workers can contribute to a new conversation! Join this exciting action research reflection session for practitioner insights. We’ll highlight new best practice possibilities and what supporting them could mean for school-age professionals!


Emily Holder

Emily is a professional development and programming specialist for school-age Out-of-School Time providers. With over 25 years of experience leading before and after school programs, and master’s degree in youth work, she’s delivered training sessions at regional, state, and national... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Creation Station UPPER LEVEL

10:30am EDT

Early Childhood LIberatory Pedagogy: Freedom for All Through Play
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Concepts like liberatory, emancipatory, and decolonized pedagogies are often used when working with older students, but these ideas are rarely applied to early childhood education. In this presentation, I outline the need for early childhood education and care to center liberation and freedom in order to foster whole child development. In misguided efforts to prepare children for school, early childhood practices have disrupted optimal development, severed our natural desires to learn, and led to teacher demoralization and demotivation. I offer early childhood liberatory pedagogy through play as a framework to free us all.

Denisha Jones

Dr. Denisha Jones is the Executive Director of Defending the Early Years and an adjunct professor at Sarah Lawrence College and Howard University. Her research interests include organizing activist research projects that examine grassroots movements to achieve racial justice in education... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Library C 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

10:30am EDT

Risky Play: Going Beyond Climbing Trees and Jumping
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
"The session will begin with a short review of the scholarly definition of risky play, including Sandseter’s categories. The session will then move to a presentation of original research showing that teachers can influence the safety of risky play and the development of risk management skills through conversation and relationship building. The research participants’ experiences will be used as examples of how the session participants can build relationships with their own students. Before a time for participant questions, there will be a time to examine real life risky play scenarios to practice what kind of conversations might be started with students.
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Joanna Spotts

Lead Preschool Teacher, First Roots-Wild Roots
Dr. Joanna Spotts has been an educator for 20 + years. She has taught in a variety of classroom situations including an inner city charter school and a rural one room school house. Dr. Joanna has been a teacher at an nature based child care for 6 years. Her favorite part about teaching... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Big Idea UPPER LEVEL

10:30am EDT

Stepping Back: Creating Spaces for Children's Nature Play & Empathy to Flourish
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Stepping back not only supports the child’s right to play it creates space and opportunity for their social-emotional development. This session explores the role of the adult in children’s nature play: by adopting a posture of deep observation and offering opportunities to practice, we adults can create an opening for children to use their play in remarkable, developmentally appropriate ways to connect with their peers and the earth. Brought to life by real stories, concrete strategies will be shared to apply in your unique context.

Claire Underwood

Claire Underwood (MEEd) is a Doctoral Student at the University of Cincinnati, where she is the Editorial Assistant for the Children, Youth, Environments Journal and conducts research with the Arlitt Center for Education, Research, & Sustainability. Since 2021, Claire has researched... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Discover It LOWER LEVEL

10:30am EDT

The Art of Capturing, Documenting, and Communicating the Magic of Child-Led Play
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
In the ever-evolving landscape of childhood, one timeless element remains at the heart of a child's development: play. This presentation delves into the art and science of observing, documenting, and communicating the spontaneous and rich world of child-led play. Without adhering to any single pedagogical approach, we will illuminate the crucial role that play holds in the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children. Attendees will be immersed in a visual and narrative journey that showcases how carefully captured moments of play can tell a compelling story. By providing practical strategies, we seek to bridge the gap between the fleeting moments of play and the profound insights they offer into a child’s world. Led by a Photographer and Speech Therapist, who are also Playworkers, this presentation aims to empower adults to see beyond the surface of play, to understand its deep-rooted significance, and to communicate its multifaceted benefits more effectively within a variety of settings.
avatar for Ashli Givens

Ashli Givens

Co-Founder, Rooted in Play
"Ashli Givens is a Playworker and Speech and Language Pathologist who, along with her partner, Maggie Fuller, founded the non-profit organization Rooted in Play. After spending two decades working with children to resolve their communication difficulties, she intimately understands... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Library B 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

10:30am EDT

Unleashing Creativity: Promoting Imagination Through Play-Based Learning in Early Childhood
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Join me for an inspiring journey into the world of play-based learning, where creativity and imagination take center stage. In this session, educators will explore innovative strategies for fostering creativity and imagination through a play-based curriculum in early childhood settings.
avatar for ReShaun Webb

ReShaun Webb

"Ms. Webb is a native of San Antonio Texas. Ms. Webb started out working in childcare at a young age working with the babies in the church nursery. She has been working in childcare for 20 years. Fast-forwarding a bit to high school, ReShaun started taking childcare co-op classes... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Creation Station UPPER LEVEL

10:30am EDT

Using effective Prompts and Questions to Support Child Sensemaking...
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Our anchor for this session will be the crosscutting concepts (part of the NGSS) which originate in science but are integrated into other subjects. We will begin the session whole-group discussing how to support child sensemaking through effective prompts/questions. Then, participants will rotate through centers that feature playful science tools (example: magnets, snap circuits, k'nex, etc.). They will take turns practicing using these questions from an adult role and then being the playful child. We will end whole-group with a conversation about their experiences and possible implications.

Steph Dean

Dr. Steph N. Dean is an Assistant Professor of Science Education at Clemson University. She works with pre- and inservice teachers, supporting the implementation of authentic and meaningful science instruction. Dr. Dean is interested in school-based outdoor education, and she uses... Read More →

Julianne Wenner

Dr. Julianne A. Wenner is an Associate Professor of Science Education at Clemson University. Her areas of research coalesce around ensuring that all students feel as though they can participate in science careers or hobbies. Julianne investigates how teachers take on leadership to... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

10:45am EDT

Pledge to Play
Friday September 27, 2024 10:45am - 11:30am EDT

Description: Lifecrafting imagines a world where social health flourish s through play, empowering individuals and communities to make meaningful connections and thrive together.

We will launch “Pledge to Play” movement at the IPA Conference, inviting everyone to Play through creative prompt-based experiences and end with a “Pledge to Play” badge where everyone writes a personal pledge to play statement! We also record their pledges to create a digital catalogue series of Play Pledges.

Friday September 27, 2024 10:45am - 11:30am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Imagine It LOWER LEVEL

10:45am EDT

Unleashing the Power of Play: Building Inclusive Play Ecosystems with Loose Parts
Friday September 27, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Discover the key to empowering children of all abilities in this dynamic workshop. Join early childhood educators as we harness the potential of unscripted materials (Loose Parts) to create an environment that celebrates diversity. Learn how to amplify the voices of children with diverse abilities and foster a sense of peace, freedom, equity, and inclusion.
avatar for Miriam Beloglovsky

Miriam Beloglovsky

CEO, Playful Transformation, LLC
"Miriam Beloglovsky is a professor emerita of early childhood education, public speaker, and co-author of Early Learning Theories Made Visible, the award-winning, internationally published Loose Parts series, Design in Mind, and author of Loose Parts for Children with Diverse Abilities... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

11:45am EDT

Nature Play: Not Just Woods & White Kids
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
In our presentation titled "Nature Play: Not Just Woods and White Kids," we embark on a journey to explore the multifaceted relationship between children and nature, while shedding light on the disparities and challenges that hinder equitable access to outdoor experiences. Throughout this session, we delve into the diverse ways in which our interactions with nature shape our worldview, examining the profound impact of our early experiences in natural environments on our perceptions and attitudes towards the world around us.

Central to our discussion is the exploration of nature optics and their role in perpetuating exclusionary messaging. We critically examine how societal narratives and cultural norms contribute to the marginalization of certain communities, reinforcing the misconception that nature is primarily for privileged individuals. By investigating the optics of nature, we aim to uncover the underlying biases and systemic barriers that limit access to nature-based experiences for marginalized groups.

Moreover, we tackle the pressing issue of finding quality, access, and equity in nature, addressing the nature gap and its far-reaching implications. Through an exploration of systemic, financial, and mental barriers, we illuminate the myriad challenges that prevent children from accessing outdoor spaces and engaging in nature play. By recognizing and interrogating these barriers, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the inequities that exist within our educational systems and society at large.

Finally, we transition to a discussion on actionable changes that educators can implement in their classrooms to provide equitable experiences in nature for every child. Drawing on best practices and innovative strategies, we offer practical solutions for overcoming barriers and creating inclusive outdoor learning environments. From redesigning outdoor spaces to integrating nature-based curriculum activities, we empower educators to champion equity and accessibility in nature play.

In summary, our presentation seeks to challenge traditional notions of nature play by advocating for inclusivity, diversity, and equity in outdoor experiences. By examining the optics of nature, addressing systemic barriers, and proposing actionable solutions, we strive to create a future where every child has the opportunity to explore, learn, and thrive in the natural world, regardless of their background or circumstances. Together, let us embrace the transformative power of nature play and work towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Kisa Marx

Kisa Marx is a Child Advocate and Anti-Oppression Educator with over two decades in the field of Early Childhood Development. In late 2023, she blazed a path towards healing, justice, and joy through a liberation focused pedagogy and founded The Play Lab Foundation. This non-profit... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Discover It LOWER LEVEL

11:45am EDT

Exploring the Outdoors in Urban Spaces
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
"Participants will be presented with case studies from urban early childhood programs that have successfully integrated nature-based play. These examples will serve as a basis for discussion, allowing participants to explore the challenges and successes experienced by these programs. Participants will be encouraged to design their own nature-based play strategy or modify existing ones to better suit the needs of urban early childhood education settings. This collaborative effort aims to foster creativity and practical problem-solving skills. At the end of the session, participants will be guided through a reflective exercise to identify key takeaways and develop a personalized action plan. This plan will detail how they can implement nature-based play principles in their own professional contexts to support the Child's Right to Play.
avatar for Ozge Metin Aslan

Ozge Metin Aslan

Associate Professor, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University / University of Minnesota / Founder: Nature Playosophy
She has been international research scholar since September 2023 at University of Minnesota. She is also associate professor at Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University in Turkiye. She is play researcher and also free play activisit. She believes that free play is only way for learning... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Imagine It LOWER LEVEL

11:45am EDT

Nature from the Inside Out
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Nature based learning holds many benefits for learners of all ages. However, many settings do not have access to a large outdoor space or may have limited resources. Through discussion, reflection, and hands-on creation, we will learn ways to connect nature into our unique environment.

Kayla Souza

Kayla Souza, M.Ed. is the owner of a play and nature focused home preschool. After almost 20 years working in the traditional classroom setting, she started her own small program in order to create the learning environment she wanted to see for her own child. Now nearing its 5th year... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Creation Station UPPER LEVEL

11:45am EDT

ONE Year & 1500 Miles Later: An Autoethnographic Journey…
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
As passionate advocates for the right to play, we present an engaging exploration into the essence of play and its pivotal role in development through an autoethnographic study of UK adventure playgrounds and nature schools. This investigation, grounded in personal and professional reflections, delves into the transformative power of play, not just for children but for educators themselves. Our study illuminates how play transcends age, invigorating the adult spirit and fostering a deeper connection to the mission of advocating for children’s play rights.
avatar for Jonathan McLoud

Jonathan McLoud

Jonathan McCloud is an Assistant Professor of Education at Roanoke College, located in Salem Virginia. Jonathan’s scholarly pursuits are linked by an expression of respect and care for the individual, and he is most interested in ways that play is fostered through democratic structures... Read More →

Susan Chlebowski

Susan Chlebowski is a Montessori teacher, forest school leader and PARS Playwork Trainer who studies and teaches research-based models of living and learning that honor a child’s right to play and experience nature as part of a healthy, happy childhood. Her focus work is outreach... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Library C 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

11:45am EDT

Science from Toys: Playful learning of science concepts
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
This session is a workshop on learning science concepts through play materials. Rotating through learning stations, participants will explore science concepts such as magnetism with magnets on matchbox cars, center of balance with balancing butterflies, angles of reflection with kaleidoscopes, electrical circuits with small LEDs and playdoh, spinning and gravity with paper “helicopters,” and more. These activities will be followed by a discussion on the importance of making science fun in elementary school in order to develop lasting interest in science. Participants will receive a handout with these and additional ideas.

Olga Jarrett

Professor Emerita, Georgia State University
Olga S. Jarrett, PhD, Professor Emerita, Georgia State University (GSU). Science education, play research, evaluator. Former president of The Association for the Study of Play (TASP) and the American Association for the Child’s right to play (IPAUSA), Editor of PlayBlast. Co-editor... Read More →
avatar for Robert Jarrett

Robert Jarrett

Robert Jarrett: BS Chem. Engr., MS San-Pub. Health Engr., MS Geol., current anthropology studies, and GA Env. Engr. License. Work: Pittsburg Water Dept., WHO Sanitary Engr., US Army (28 yrs.- 12 as Sr. Fellow Army Env. Policy Inst.). Pubs.: Teaching with Toys: Scientific Inquiry through... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

11:45am EDT

Unleashing the Power of Play: Deep Dive into the Barron Park Approach
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
This interactive workshop delves into the philosophy and practices of Barron Park Playschool, a beacon of play-responsive learning in California. Building on the shared belief in the power of play, we will explore a play-responsive approach that fosters creativity, ignites innovation, and sparks meaningful inspiration in young children and the adults who serve them.
avatar for Kim Adams

Kim Adams

Today We Play - Barron Park Preschool
Kim Adams is a passionate advocate for play. With over 35 years of experience leading and teaching in early learning environments, Kim offers a deep understanding of child development and the transformative power of play and creativity. A certified Positive Discipline educator and... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Big Idea UPPER LEVEL

11:45am EDT

Unlocking the Potential of Play: Transforming Early Childhood Education
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
"In our classrooms, we often hinder uninterrupted play with our own inhibitions. Our past experiences shape how we perceive and allow various play scenarios. Whether it's a fear of heights limiting climbing or past negative interactions discouraging certain types of play, these barriers hold us back.

But it's time for a change.

As early childhood educators, we've inherited false narratives about our role. We've been taught that teaching means dictating, that we must have all the answers, and that traditional methods are the only proof of learning. But this outdated mindset is stifling the potential of our classrooms.

It's time to rewrite the script.

Play and learning go hand in hand. Scientific research reveals that play accelerates learning, with synapses forming in the brain 20-40 times faster during play than through traditional methods. Yet, we still confine children to indoor, seated, and non-engaging environments.

These play barriers limit our potential to say YES in our programs. Perhaps we shy away from messy activities due to overwhelm, or we fear the chaos of open-ended play. But these barriers can be overcome.

Join me as we confront your personal play barriers—whether they involve risk, messiness, or open-endedness. Together, we'll break free from outdated norms and embrace the transformative power of play. You'll emerge rejuvenated, energized, and empowered to revolutionize early childhood education for the better."
avatar for Ade Hofmann

Ade Hofmann

Founder, Director, Nature Play All Day
Ade Hofmann left over a decade of traditional teaching experience behind when she traded fluorescent lights for sunshine. For the last seven years, she has continued to rewrite the narrative of what early childhood looks and feels like for not only children but educators too. Her... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

11:45am EDT

When Don't Becomes Do: When On the Job Outdoor Forest Days PD Training is Transformational to All
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
"In the Fall of 2022, two leaders in outdoor learning came together to examine how nature-based learning could improve outcomes for toddler through pre-k students. Utilizing a play-based approach, they went on to facilitate an outdoor Forest Days experience in a preschool setting. They began the program by posing these questions: Will the teachers embrace Forest Days? How will the children's development benefit from Forest Days? How do you get a diverse community, speaking multiple languages, to discover the benefits of outdoor learning? The answer: by following joy. Join us as we share our year of play, observation and reflection.
avatar for Monica Wiedel-Lubinski, M.Ed.

Monica Wiedel-Lubinski, M.Ed.

Founding Executive Director, Association for Nature-Based Education (ANBE)
Monica has pursued her love of nature-based education for over two decades. She is the founding director of the Association for Nature-Based Education, a nonprofit that offers professional development and community-based programs to cultivate equitable access to nature-based education... Read More →
avatar for Jim McCullough

Jim McCullough

Founder, Adventure Walkers, LLC
"”We didn't learn, we played."" Jim worked ten years at his family's preschool, being educated by his director and co-teachers. He was also influenced by Bev Boss' play philosophy, the Reggio Emilia approach, and children's play. In 2009, Jim heard Robin Moore speak about ""playwork... Read More →
avatar for Hallye Smith

Hallye Smith

Executive Director, Falls Church McLean Children's Center
Hallye has over twenty years of experience in the early childhood education field and was introduced to the outdoor classroom approach while working at an early childhood program in California. While serving as the Director of Curriculum and Teacher Supervision at The Country Day... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Library B 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

2:00pm EDT

Child's Right to Play through the Lens of AnjiPlay
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
"This presentation will explore AnjiPlay, an educational philosophy and approach from Anji County, China committed to the right of every child to experience extended periods of play. Founded on Principles of Love, Risk, Joy, Engagement and Reflection and Core Elements of Environment, the Child’s Right to Play, the Role of the Teacher and Parents, AnjiPlay returns the right of TRUE PLAY to every child.

The universal child’s innate desire to PLAY unites peoples of different cultures and perspectives. The child’s right to play through the lens of AnjiPlay has become a catalyst for ongoing conversations between the presenter and AnjiPlay. The presenter’s experience in the Kindergartens of Anji viewed through an Australian lens will be respectfully expressed and the impact on the presenter’s work and research in Australia described.

avatar for Kim Moroney

Kim Moroney

Specialist Early Years, Sydney Catholic Schools
"Kim’s qualifications include a Master of Educational Studies, Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Teaching with teaching and leadership experiences in both prior to school and school settings. Kim’s study in Reggio Emilia, Italy and Anji Play, China have influenced her image... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Library C 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

2:00pm EDT

Nature's Dozen
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Mother Nature is a better teacher then we could ever be so it just makes sense to use her to help engage and enrich our educational system. Nature's Dozen offers practical ways to incorporate the outdoors into any setting.
avatar for Peter Dargatz

Peter Dargatz

Nature Kindergarten Teacher, Hamilton School District
While his claim to fame might be as a retired racing sausage for the Milwaukee Brewers, Peter Dargatz is prouder for being a father of three nature-loving children, a national board certified teacher, and the coordinator of a well-respected, public school nature kindergarten program... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Library B 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

2:00pm EDT

Nurturing Unique Growth: Using Free Play to Support the Positive...
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
We can find the roots of our self-identity within our earliest experiences. Developing a positive self-identity begins in infancy and is carefully crafted through our relationships and experiences with others. During this session, we will discuss how free play supports the developing identities of infants and toddlers with disabilities. We will explore any biases we hold around disabilities and play in order to expand our understanding of ways in which we can make free play accessible to all children in our care.
avatar for Stephanie Cooper

Stephanie Cooper

Infant and Toddler Lead Coach, Abilities Network/Project ACT
Stephanie Cooper is the Infant and Toddler Lead Coach with Abilities Network Project ACT and has been a part of the educator community for over 18 years. Stephanie's passion lies in caring for children birth through age 3 and in ensuring that all learners (no matter how old) feel... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

2:00pm EDT

Play and Sneaky Teaching
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Educated by Nature are strong believers and advocates in children naturally learn through play. There are no PowerPoint presentations in this unique workshop, but an opportunity to be immersed in play! On-entry, participants are provided with a 'play station' to attend and a 'role' to play. Roles include children of different ages with different personality types, educators and observers. Through role play, participants explore materials and have fun being able to act out children they know so well! At the conclusion of the time of play, participants assigned to the 'observer role' are invited to share. As a group, we will discuss how adults encourage or hinder play, examine the depth of learning that has developed in 'sneaky' ways and reflect on this type of learning. The ultimate 'sneaky teacher' is able to encourage play and learning in a single session! This workshop requires a minimum of 25 participants.
avatar for Daniel Burton

Daniel Burton

CEO, Educated by Nature (Australia)
Daniel Burton is the CEO and co-founder of Educated by Nature, a world leader in play-based nature education. He is a qualified teacher, rites of passage facilitator, and education consultant. Daniels's workshops combine research and practica examples to teach research-based pedagogies... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Discover It LOWER LEVEL

2:00pm EDT

Play as a Relationship Nurturing Experience in the ECE Classroom
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
The role of play in the lives of young children is shown to be the most beneficial and credible strategy in regard to their learning. Play as a developmental opportunity for children involves learning social skills and negotiation processes as well as important cognitive skills. This session will focus on preparing a physical environment to encourage developing relationships, as well as creating the social and emotional atmosphere to allow connection, growth, understanding and empathetic progression.

Sharon Jackson

Consultant, Curating Play
Dr. Sharon R. Jackson is an early childhood advocate and seasoned professional with presentations for international, national, state and local conferences. Retired from over 20 years in a school district Early Education program, Dr. Jackson now consults with programs nationwide and... Read More →

Beverly Alford

"Beverly Alford, PhD is a staunch advocate for play. An Associate Professor of Early Childhood, her focus is on children, birth to seven years. She is fascinated by how children develop in play-based settings and the effects of standardized practices on children. Her background is... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Imagine It LOWER LEVEL

2:00pm EDT

Playing with Puppets to Explore Feelings
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Conversations with young children about feelings can be playful when you bring along a puppet friend. Join us for play time with puppets. Take away ideas for conversation starters and make puppets from inexpensive and recycled materials.

Lin Moore

Professor, Early Childhood Education, Texas Woman's University
"Dr. Lin Moore is a Professor of Early Childhood Education at Texas Woman's University. She teaches courses in early childhood curriculum, play, action research, and leadership. Research interests include perceptions of play, parental engagement, English language learners, and mentoring... Read More →

Elaine Zweig

Elaine Zweig is an Early Childhood Specialist with decades of successful experience working with children of all ages and grade levels. As a professor at Collin College, Texas Woman's University, and now, as an Educational Consultant, Dr. Zweig presented over 50 workshops at local... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

2:00pm EDT

Spreading the Word on Benefit Risk Assessment
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
"With the introduction of 'ISO 4980:2023 Benefit-risk assessment for sports and recreational facilities, activities and equipment' it is important for professionals supporting children through play to understand what this document means for them.

This session will touch upon the Benefits of undertaking Risky Play for children, introduce the ISO standard and what taking a Benefit Risk Assessment Approach means in practice. This introductory session will also share real life examples of risky play activities being undertaken by children both in Scotland and Australia.

We will follow up that introduction by giving participants the opportunity to collectively write a Benefit Risk Assessment and then head outside to undertake some risky play activities. The activities that we offer will be greatly impacted by the grounds and setting of the conference centre. "

Cameron Sprague

Co-Head of Nursery/Head of Training, Stramash Social Enterprise , United Kingdom
Cameron emigrated to the U.K. following completing his BSc in Outdoor and Environmental Education in 2007 from Northern Vermont University. Cameron worked at the Child Development Centre on campus throughout his studies and this led him taking his outdoor learning foundation to the... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Creation Station UPPER LEVEL

2:00pm EDT

Why Adults Need Outdoor Play as Much as the Kids: Attitude Adjustments are Required!
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
We always think children need outdoor play the most because it's essential for their physical and brain development, BUT many adults today have not had play opportunities as children and now are faced with unhealthy, stressful lives. This presentation will focus on the adult angle and how to change behaviors of a culture, not just a person to physically move, get outside, sleep uninterrupted, and eat smart. These concepts are challenging, but the LiiNK Project team has been studying what it takes to change these adult behaviors in order to be effective with children. These strategies will be shared and practiced.
avatar for Debbie Rhea

Debbie Rhea

Professor, Texas Christian University
Deborah Rhea, Ed.D. is professor of Kinesiology and founding director of The LiiNK Project at Texas Christian University. She is an author, researcher, motivational speaker, educational consultant, and behavior change trainer. LiiNK (Let’s inspire innovation ‘N kids), a recess... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Big Idea UPPER LEVEL

3:15pm EDT

My Play Resume
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT

Today is September 27, 2024, and exactly 23,526 days have passed since the day I said hello to the world. I think you should calculate how many days old you are today too. Isn't it a fun game? In this talk, I want to share with you the games I played in the past and present, my memories of play, and, of course, my dreams for the future of play. I would like to introduce you to my playmates. Who are they, you ask? They are the family members I've shared my life with: my mother, my father, my four sisters, the more than five thousand children I've taught, and the parents and teacher colleagues who have attended my play conferences and workshops in 79 cities across Turkey. No matter where we live in the world, what language we speak, what we believe in, or what we love, we all have one common point amidst all these differences: play. We were all children once, and we all played. Play is not just for children; it has a healing power for all of us. Because I want everyone to feel good, I say let’s all play together. I’m coming to play. What I’ve tried to advocate for throughout my life is to encourage everyone to keep playing. We all have unforgettable play stories. As I share my own play stories in this talk, I dream of hearing yours too.
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

3:15pm EDT

Bridging the Knowledge to Practice Gap: Playing all day in New Zealand Classrooms
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Unlock the power of play! Join Dr. Sarah Aiono as she takes you on a journey through New Zealand classrooms that have fully embraced a 'play all day' approach for children aged 5-12. Experience firsthand the dynamic shift in education as we showcase captivating video footage and share practical, real-world examples of how play is revolutionizing learning. Discover how you, too, can harness the magic of play to ignite creativity, foster deeper learning, and create a joyful, engaging environment for all students. Don't miss this opportunity to see play in action and leave with innovative strategies that you can implement right away!
avatar for Sarah Aiono

Sarah Aiono

CEO, Longworth Education
Dr. Sarah Aiono is an international speaker, coach, teacher, researcher, author and one of Aotearoa New Zealand's leading play pedagogy experts. She has extensive experience as a classroom teacher, having taught students from all year levels, with a particular focus on those with... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Big Idea UPPER LEVEL

3:15pm EDT

Creating Confident Explorers in the Classroom: Utilizing STEM to Create Wonder in Play
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
If you are intimidated by STEM experiences in your classroom, think again! Attendees will learn the importance of regularly incorporating STEM materials in play-based learning environments. This session highlights the struggles of including STEM experiences while focusing on a child’s power of play that dictates many of their learning opportunities. Attendees will learn how to create or modify their current approach to integrating STEM experiences and allowing the child to lead the way into choice, play, and wonder.
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

3:15pm EDT

Free Play Pedagogy: Benefits, Barriers...and Hope
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
This session will engage participants in discussion of four major benefits of a free play pedagogy in early childhood. We will then investigate five barriers early care and education practitioners must overcome to provide young children with environments of free, child directed play to find hope for increasing children's access to this crucial human right.
avatar for Heather Bernt Santy

Heather Bernt Santy

Professor/Podcast Host
For over 30 years, Heather Bernt-Santy has been living her commitment to children, their families and their teachers. You may know Heather from her work as the host of the popular early care and education podcast “That Early Childhood Nerd,” but she also loves her work as a speaker... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Library B 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

3:15pm EDT

How learning DIRFloortime supports meaningful play and development of children with unique developmental journeys
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
This presentation will introduce a developmental framework for human development. The session will support participants in understanding ways to join and engage children in their play - that is meaningful to the child - but also in ways that support increased regulation and engagement in order to support the development of the child. Play is a right of every child and DIRFloortime is a respectful methodology for kids with developmental differences that uses play to support development while considering the Functional Emotional Developmental Capacities as a guide.

Gretchen Kamka

Gretchen Kamke, MS, OTR/L, DIR-Expert works full-time for ICDL coaching parents and clinicians using DIRFloortime® as they support their children and clients through unique developmental journeys. Gretchen has advanced training in sensory integrative processing and continues to have... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Discover It LOWER LEVEL

3:15pm EDT

How to Start a Toy Library in Your Community
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
"I will present a short course on how I took inspiration from a TASP 2017 presentation on the Rochester NY toy lending library and started a toy lending library in Nederland, CO, a small mountain town near Boulder, CO. Workshop participants will develop their own plan to do the same in their community. Workshop participants will learn about other successful toy libraries across the US, create an action plan for their first steps, and have the opportunity to brainstorm with other participants. I will walk through the steps of developing our model using the public library system and explain how my background as a speech-language pathologist and play specialist impacted the partnership. I will explain how to get buy-in to do a pilot. I will share the best advice given to me.

Session description: Conceptual Framework
Creating a community-based toy lending library, free of charge for all and reflecting the unique needs and interests in the community, provides an outstanding opportunity for offering an equitable play space in communities large and small, urban and rural, and inclusive of age, gender, socioeconomic status, ability, and culture.

This is a short course on how to combine the resources of a local public library for management and distribution of the toys, combined with the input from a play specialist for choosing the toy inventory to offer. I will share my experience of starting a successful toy lending library at Nederland Community Library in Nederland, CO, a small mountain community near Boulder, CO. Participants will fill out an action plan template as I talk them through the step-by-step process of taking my vision to reality.

Susan Elling

"After “achieving distinction” as “Most Fun To Play With” in 7th grade PE class, my path to play continued at the University of Colorado-Boulder graduate school in speech-language pathology, where my stated goal as a professional clinician would be “to combine discipline... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Imagine It LOWER LEVEL

3:15pm EDT

Letting Go and Embracing Risky Play
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
"Learn how we progressively started recognizing the value of embracing risky play as an essential component of children's development for our Preschoolers. Rather than sheltering them from all potential dangers, teachers are creating environments that allow for calculated risks, fostering resilience, problem-solving skills, and confidence among young learners. By encouraging activities such as climbing, exploring nature, and building with loose parts, we have been empowering our Preschoolers to navigate challenges, make decisions, and learn important life skills in a safe and supportive environment.
Our teaching team participatedin Rusty Keeler's Risky Play Roundtable sessions."
avatar for Dina Costa

Dina Costa

Lead Teacher, Child Development Lab-University of Georgia
Dina is the Lead Teacher of the Preschool Program at the Child Development Lab (CDL) at the University of Georgia. She is beginning her 17th year at the CDL. During this time she has worked as an Assistant Teacher with Older Toddlers, Preschool, and Multi-Age. In March 2019 Dina became... Read More →
avatar for Laura Durham

Laura Durham

Child development lab at UGA
Laura is in her 5th year as an Assistant Teacher in Preschool. She attended the University of Missouri and completed her Master’s degree in Early Childhood Special Education in 2010. She has taught young children in a variety of different settings throughout her career including... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Creation Station UPPER LEVEL

3:15pm EDT

Paper Play: Unfolding Magic of Creativity In Learning
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
The presenters will lead the creative drama session using the teacher-in-role technique, and the participants will join the warm-up games, improvisation phase, and play-based discussion parts.

Tugce Arda Tuncdemir

Tugce B. Arda Tuncdemir, PhD., is an assistant professor in the Teacher Education Department at Penn State University Harrisburg. Her research interests are play, creative drama, social-emotional learning, anti-bias curriculum, and diversity shared through presentations, chapters... Read More →

Ruth Guirguis

Ruth Guirguis, Ed.D, is an associate professor of Teacher Education Department at BMCC/CUNY. Her research is primarily focused on DLLs’ association between self-regulation and play, and play as a pedagogy in teacher preparation programs.
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Library C 25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

3:15pm EDT

Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

4:00pm EDT

Friday September 27, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Community Play Day for Children in Greenville and those attending the conference
Friday September 27, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Heritage Green

4:30pm EDT

Early Childhood Teacher's Perceptions of Heuristic Play
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Heuristic play is a form of play where children play through exploration of items. (Bilewicz-Kuźnia, 2017). There are two distinctive features in heuristic play: unstructured play and open-ended materials. Unstructured play allows children to explore without following a set of rules or obtaining a specific result (Houser et al., 2016). Open-ended refers to the materials that can be used in multiple ways (Al-Mansour, 2018). This research project explored the perceptions of early child teachers regarding this type of play. Teachers' perceptions have a major role in early childhood curriculum and the use of play as a vehicle to learning. The methodology of this research was of qualitative nature with interviews before and after implementing heuristic play materials (loose parts) into their classrooms. Through this study, it was found that the teachers observed a positive impact on implementing heuristic play into the classroom (i.e. more engaged). Teachers also find that materials are accessible and inexpensive, allowing them to see potential in implementing heuristic play and including it into early childhood curriculum.

LaDonna Atkins

LaDonna Atkins has taught in the Child Development program at The University of Central Oklahoma for over 25 years. Her favorite course to teach is Play and Early Childhood Curriculum. She has served on the IPA/USA Board for over 15 years. Her roles include: past-president, president... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

4:30pm EDT

Frolicking in the Forest with Little Friends: Nature-based, Year-Round, Playful Learning Outdoors
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
This session features on farm school parent-turned-primary-educator's experience with an all-outdoor play-based preschool in the Inland Northwest (Spokane, WA). The program's history/mission, sample daily rhythm, the value of play, Waldorf-inspired oral storytelling, Reggio-style emergent, nature-based/seasonal curriculum, and program expansion will be discussed.
avatar for Brittany Fitzgerald

Brittany Fitzgerald

Graduate student, University of Central Oklahoma
Brittany is a U.S. Air Force veteran, military spouse, mother of 3. She graduated from The University of Central Oklahoma in 2018 with a B.S. Family Life Education, Child Development where she discovered a passion for teaching children and families, fell in love with the Reggio-Emilia... Read More →

LaDonna Atkins

LaDonna Atkins has taught in the Child Development program at The University of Central Oklahoma for over 25 years. Her favorite course to teach is Play and Early Childhood Curriculum. She has served on the IPA/USA Board for over 15 years. Her roles include: past-president, president... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

4:30pm EDT

Literacy, Play, and Advocacy: A Commitment for Change
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
This session will help participants to better understand the feeders into the Cradle to Prison Pipeline and ways to interrupt that pipeline through free family literacy festivals that engage families in early literacy and story-based play.
avatar for Debra Jo Hailey

Debra Jo Hailey

Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies, Northwestern State University
Dr. Hailey has worked in early childhood education for over 30 years. Her early childhood teaching experiences include public schools, Head Start, privately-owned child care centers, and faith-based programs. Parent education and community involvement have always been important components... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Fazio-Brunson

Michelle Fazio-Brunson

Director, Graduate Programs in Early Childhood Education, Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Dr. Brunson has worked in early childhood for over 20 years. Her Cradle to Prison Pipeline Intervention Service Learning Project provides literacy materials and school supplies to families living in poverty so they’ll have access to resources to strengthen social-emotional, physical... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

4:30pm EDT

Loose Parts Play and Approaches to Learning
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
This session will help participants learn strategies for designing open-ended play provocations using loose parts / Beautiful Stuff that help young children develop individual approaches to learning.
avatar for Debra Jo Hailey

Debra Jo Hailey

Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies, Northwestern State University
Dr. Hailey has worked in early childhood education for over 30 years. Her early childhood teaching experiences include public schools, Head Start, privately-owned child care centers, and faith-based programs. Parent education and community involvement have always been important components... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Fazio-Brunson

Michelle Fazio-Brunson

Director, Graduate Programs in Early Childhood Education, Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Dr. Brunson has worked in early childhood for over 20 years. Her Cradle to Prison Pipeline Intervention Service Learning Project provides literacy materials and school supplies to families living in poverty so they’ll have access to resources to strengthen social-emotional, physical... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

4:30pm EDT

Nature is Full of Surprises: Emergent Curriculum Embraces Curiosity and Promotes Joyful Learning
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
As all things in nature move in a cyclical process, so does PLAY. The “life cycle” of play has several key components that provide children the opportunity to explore and investigate topics of interest in meaningful ways and to co-create the learning experience. Happening upon a Cicada emerging from its shell while on a nature walk, kindergarteners embarked upon a multidisciplinary study of these fascinating insects through a variety of play-based activities structured around creating larger-than-life collaborative projects to showcase their lush engagement across multiple domains of learning.

Cornelia McKeehan

Kindergarten Teacher, Vanderbilt University: The Acorn School/Kindergarten
Master Degree in Educational Psychology, University of Colorado, Denver. Teacher in play based preschool and kindergarten in Denver, Colorado for 12 years. Currently serve as lead teacher for Owls Kindergarten Program at Vanderbilt University. We follow a Reggio inspired emergent... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

4:30pm EDT

The Impact of Parent and Caregiver Perceptions of Inclusivity Regarding the Concepts of Inclusive Playgrounds​
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
I will present my Capstone Project findings, which are focused on parent/caregiver perceptions of inclusive play in the Middle Tennessee area. I partnered with 3 different inclusive playgrounds throughout Middle TN to collect data pertaining to demographic information, satisfaction of amenities and play structures, and testimonials of how inclusive play has impacted their child. Components of my Capstone poster include a literature review, goals for my project, and the major findings of my survey.
avatar for Cydnee Long

Cydnee Long

Director of Inclusive Planning and Design, Recreational Concepts, LLC
I am a recent graduate from Belmont University, and I obtained my Doctorate in Occupational Therapy. I will be presenting my Capstone Project, titled "The Impact of Parent and Caregiver Perceptions of Inclusivity Regarding the Concepts of Inclusive Playgrounds". I am currently the... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

4:30pm EDT

University Students’ Insights about Developmental Appropriateness and Threats to Preschool and Kindergarten Education
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
In this session, we will share our findings from a survey study exploring undergraduate and graduate students’ perceptions of preschool and kindergarten schooling. Participants were asked to rank educational experiences by their perceptions of instructional appropriateness by developmental stage and to share their beliefs about threats to childhood development. Survey data was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. We will connect our findings to the extant literature and share implications for higher education programs.
avatar for Karyn Allee

Karyn Allee

Assitant Professor of Elementary Education, Mercer University
Karyn Allee is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Education at Mercer University. Her research focuses on how poverty affects cognitive development, social justice work in education, and instructional strategies (including play and physical activity) to reduce academic achievement... Read More →
avatar for Taylor Mule'

Taylor Mule'

Taylor Mule’ is a fourth-year graduate student in the doctoral program at the University of Memphis. She is currently a research assistant for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s STEMM Education and Outreach department, conducting ethnographic work in kindergarten classrooms... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

4:30pm EDT

Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Poster Presentations and Author Book Signing
Friday September 27, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
Children's Museum Rm Be Anything Place -- LOWER LEVEL

5:45pm EDT

Friday Evening Reception and Doctor of Play Awards
Friday September 27, 2024 5:45pm - 7:45pm EDT
Play in the Children's Museum- Group Photo on the Playground at 6:00 pm - Doctor of Play Awards-- Food and Drinks (Cash bar)
Friday September 27, 2024 5:45pm - 7:45pm EDT
Children's Museum MAIN LEVEL
From $20.00

From $20.00