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Once you have purchased your ticket for the conference, you will be directed to a Registration Form. This form is not just a document; it’s a key part of our planning process, and your participation is highly valued. Please complete it to help us track attendees for each of the special events.

If you wish to enhance your conference experience by adding a T-shirt or the Saturday Evening Celebration, you can do so by visiting this page: https://ipausa2024right2playnow.sched.com/?iframe=no

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If you want to attend the Pre-Conference, please follow the link below to register.

PreConference Session – Wednesday, September 25 – 9:30-2:30 pm
Connecting Children with Nature: A Practical Workshop for Educators
Follow this link to register for the preconference——https://events.humanitix.com/connecting-children-workshop

Looking forward to seeing you in Greenville, SC

Deb, President, IPA USA

Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601 clear filter
Thursday, September 26

9:30am EDT

A Dialogue of Ecocentric Views on Nature Play
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Our individual worldviews encompass beliefs that are instrumental in providing meaning for and interpreting life. Values inherent in our worldviews frame our goals and actions, serving as a compass for our lives. An ecocentric worldview emphasizes the importance of all living and non-living things in our environment. Playfully ponder how an ecocentric worldview frames fostering play in and with nature. Engage in dialogue based on ecocentric provocations that acknowledge a sustainability ethic and a strong value on the importance of play in nature.

Victoria Carr

Professor, University of Cincinnati
Dr. Victoria Carr, Professor of Early Education and Executive Director for the Arlitt Center for Education, Research, and Sustainability at the University of Cincinnati studies play and learning environments, teacher pedagogies, children’s experiences in nature, and education for... Read More →

Claire Underwood

Claire Underwood (MEEd) is a Doctoral Student at the University of Cincinnati, where she is the Editorial Assistant for the Children, Youth, Environments Journal and conducts research with the Arlitt Center for Education, Research, & Sustainability. Since 2021, Claire has researched... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

10:45am EDT

From Plato to Play-doh: The History of Play
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
This history of the play will be examined. Participants will be involved in an interactive session that will take them from the first studies of play to current scholarship. Upon leaving this session, participants should have a deeper understanding of how the past world views of play have shaped current perspectives. This information can be used to inform advocacy efforts.

Dorothy Sluss

Dorothy Sluss has spent a lifetime studying how young children grow and develop through play. She began as a teacher in the preschools and primary schools of southwest Virginia for over a decade and worked with the governor’s office to pilot the first publicly funded program for... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

1:15pm EDT

Fostering the Ecological Self: The Role of Play and Nature in Child Development
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
Our session will focus on the role of environments and materials in playful inquiry. Building on the natural curiosities and propensities of children we will unpack various “intelligent materials” and their curation in creating interesting playscapes, or invitations for play. Highlighting the importance of observation and documentation as a means to supporting children’s play, the session invites adults into the child’s innate drive for play as a way of making meaning in and enjoying their world.

Reagan Fulton

"Reagan Fulton stands at the forefront of redefining play as a universally essential element for both children and adults. As the visionary leader of Playful Acre, she's committed to the mission of nurturing holistic development through play at every stage of life. With a rich background... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

2:30pm EDT

Shifting the Mindset
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
"Bridging the gap between formal and informal education is what many of us work towards in our organization and exactly what teachers and students need to thrive as 21st century thinkers, learners, and doers. But quality outdoor play has its obstacles, the most challenging being the disconnect many educators feel between play, nature, and academic learning. Increase your capacity to produce sustained commitment to trusting in play with the natural world and ensure mastery of state objectives. Join us for rich dialogue and
immersive experiences on how to design professional development for teachers and spark the fire in their hearts for allowing students to learn in its most authentic form, outside through PLAY!"
avatar for Tessa Baden

Tessa Baden

Play Partner, Early Learning with Tessa Baden
Tessa Baden is a nature and play advocate who shares her personal transformation story to inspire reflection, connection and evolution in others. She started her career at Camp C.A.M.P. and preschools. Tessa has spent 15 + years journeying through public and private spaces exploring... Read More →
avatar for Amanda McMickle

Amanda McMickle

Founder, NEST
Amanda McMickle is a nature based school leader, doctoral candidate and is the founding leader the Tall Oaks School. She has 13 years of experience in public education as a PK and 1st grade teacher. She was involved in PK4SA's foundational year and was involved in the origination... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

3:45pm EDT

Designing With Sensory Needs in Mind
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EDT
Sensory related disabilities are the fastest growing disability category among children today. In this presentation we will define this spectrum of childhood disabilities that is much broader than autism. Design strategies will be presented on how to create play spaces so that these children and their families can successfully GET there, PLAY there and STAY there and have tons of fun. Concepts will be wrapped together in a real life case study.
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:45pm - 4:45pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601
Friday, September 27

9:15am EDT

MIddle School Students Can't Get a Break
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Middle school students are often overlooked in the research when it comes to understanding the benefits of play for their cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development, research overlooks the need to study and understand middle schoolers need for recess during the school day. In this study, we conducted focus groups with middle schoolers to learn more about their experiences with recess. Results will highlight the importance of time, place and opportunity for young people to have a break in the day and socialize with friends, and how it impacts their social and mental health. Findings will elucidate the misunderstood perspectives of these young people about recess, and will highlight societal mischaracterizations of what these young people need in order to cope with school and life.
avatar for Heather Von Bank

Heather Von Bank

Associate Professor, Minnesota State Mankato Professor
Dr. Heather Von Bank is a Professor in the Department of Family Consumer Science at Minnesota State University-Mankato. She teaches courses in Child Development and Family Studies and also serves as the department chairperson. She has presented about and promoted how the “power... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 9:15am - 10:15am EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

10:30am EDT

Using effective Prompts and Questions to Support Child Sensemaking...
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Our anchor for this session will be the crosscutting concepts (part of the NGSS) which originate in science but are integrated into other subjects. We will begin the session whole-group discussing how to support child sensemaking through effective prompts/questions. Then, participants will rotate through centers that feature playful science tools (example: magnets, snap circuits, k'nex, etc.). They will take turns practicing using these questions from an adult role and then being the playful child. We will end whole-group with a conversation about their experiences and possible implications.

Steph Dean

Dr. Steph N. Dean is an Assistant Professor of Science Education at Clemson University. She works with pre- and inservice teachers, supporting the implementation of authentic and meaningful science instruction. Dr. Dean is interested in school-based outdoor education, and she uses... Read More →

Julianne Wenner

Dr. Julianne A. Wenner is an Associate Professor of Science Education at Clemson University. Her areas of research coalesce around ensuring that all students feel as though they can participate in science careers or hobbies. Julianne investigates how teachers take on leadership to... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

11:45am EDT

Unlocking the Potential of Play: Transforming Early Childhood Education
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
"In our classrooms, we often hinder uninterrupted play with our own inhibitions. Our past experiences shape how we perceive and allow various play scenarios. Whether it's a fear of heights limiting climbing or past negative interactions discouraging certain types of play, these barriers hold us back.

But it's time for a change.

As early childhood educators, we've inherited false narratives about our role. We've been taught that teaching means dictating, that we must have all the answers, and that traditional methods are the only proof of learning. But this outdated mindset is stifling the potential of our classrooms.

It's time to rewrite the script.

Play and learning go hand in hand. Scientific research reveals that play accelerates learning, with synapses forming in the brain 20-40 times faster during play than through traditional methods. Yet, we still confine children to indoor, seated, and non-engaging environments.

These play barriers limit our potential to say YES in our programs. Perhaps we shy away from messy activities due to overwhelm, or we fear the chaos of open-ended play. But these barriers can be overcome.

Join me as we confront your personal play barriers—whether they involve risk, messiness, or open-endedness. Together, we'll break free from outdated norms and embrace the transformative power of play. You'll emerge rejuvenated, energized, and empowered to revolutionize early childhood education for the better."
avatar for Ade Hofmann

Ade Hofmann

Founder, Director, Nature Play All Day
Ade Hofmann left over a decade of traditional teaching experience behind when she traded fluorescent lights for sunshine. For the last seven years, she has continued to rewrite the narrative of what early childhood looks and feels like for not only children but educators too. Her... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:45am - 12:45pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

2:00pm EDT

Nurturing Unique Growth: Using Free Play to Support the Positive...
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
We can find the roots of our self-identity within our earliest experiences. Developing a positive self-identity begins in infancy and is carefully crafted through our relationships and experiences with others. During this session, we will discuss how free play supports the developing identities of infants and toddlers with disabilities. We will explore any biases we hold around disabilities and play in order to expand our understanding of ways in which we can make free play accessible to all children in our care.
avatar for Stephanie Cooper

Stephanie Cooper

Infant and Toddler Lead Coach, Abilities Network/Project ACT
Stephanie Cooper is the Infant and Toddler Lead Coach with Abilities Network Project ACT and has been a part of the educator community for over 18 years. Stephanie's passion lies in caring for children birth through age 3 and in ensuring that all learners (no matter how old) feel... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601

3:15pm EDT

My Play Resume
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT

Today is September 27, 2024, and exactly 23,526 days have passed since the day I said hello to the world. I think you should calculate how many days old you are today too. Isn't it a fun game? In this talk, I want to share with you the games I played in the past and present, my memories of play, and, of course, my dreams for the future of play. I would like to introduce you to my playmates. Who are they, you ask? They are the family members I've shared my life with: my mother, my father, my four sisters, the more than five thousand children I've taught, and the parents and teacher colleagues who have attended my play conferences and workshops in 79 cities across Turkey. No matter where we live in the world, what language we speak, what we believe in, or what we love, we all have one common point amidst all these differences: play. We were all children once, and we all played. Play is not just for children; it has a healing power for all of us. Because I want everyone to feel good, I say let’s all play together. I’m coming to play. What I’ve tried to advocate for throughout my life is to encourage everyone to keep playing. We all have unforgettable play stories. As I share my own play stories in this talk, I dream of hearing yours too.
Friday September 27, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm EDT
Library A -25 Heritage Green Pl, Greenville, SC 29601
From $20.00

From $20.00
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